Saturday, April 24, 2010

shangrila on fire!

yesterday we ate out @ Max's restaurant,WTD getting a cab was a big big problem for us..every single cab that past by are all taken,, how come..its not yet payday for good minute flew by and by the grace of God a cab passed by and his passenger alighted from the taxi and finally we are on,heading our way to mega mall. We ate and decided to go home, while we are walking I noticed that there's a fog in front of the shang,.my mom said it might be just smoke caused by the cars..but I think its more!! I think its a fire! As we got near we found out yer its a fire!! Shang is on guess is right!! well its my first time to see a fire aside from movies and news.. This one is live!!not via satellite but real, just in front of me. I wanted to stay longer as much as other people there! we stayed and saw fire trucks arrived one by more people came,more over are those who take videos so am I. We stayed a bit longer just to watched fire trucks came..Its so sad!!that while our economy is worst accidents happened more!

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